Professor Peter Tregear OAM gave us an illuminating address on the subject: The role of the churches in Melbourne's music scene - and what shall replace them if they go? following our AGM on 24 October 2024. He noted that, not only were church buildings visually and aurally significant, but that they carry intangible cultural heritage.
You've missed the Spring 2024 opening, but you can see pianist Felix Suo, who gave a mini-recital in the auditorium, here: .
The next Tower Open event will be held on Sunday evening, 16 March 2025.This will be a twilight opening, and photographers will be keen to book for the sunset session when online bookings open. Watch this space . .
Auburn Uniting Church presents a free organ recital in honour of the late Brian and Ruth Krahnert on Sunday 23 March 2025 at 3.00pm. The recitalist will be Dominic Perissinotto, organist and director of music at St Stephen's Cathedral, Brisbane. Keep the date free - programme details will be released closer to the time.
You've missed the live concert, but a video recording is now available for purchase for $25, including postage. Go to the Contact page to request a copy, specifying USB or Type C connection. You may read Classic Melbourne's review here.
From time to time we'll list other events which might be of interest to the Friends and their friends.
The Victoria Chorale presents its Christmas Celebration at St Paul's Cathedral, Melbourne, on Saturday 14 December at 5.00pm. The programme includes Charpentier's Messe de Minuit pour Noel, and Christmas carols old and new. Book online at . Early Bird discount until 30 November.
The auditorium at Auburn Uniting Church is available for recitals, concerts, lectures and presentations. Full details are on the Congregation's website. The auditorium, seating 400, is in the amphitheatre style, with a sloping floor and excellent acoustics and sightlines. The choir and dais accommodate a choir of up to 60, and a small orchestra. Keyboard instruments provided are the original Fincham organ, of three manuals and pedals, and a Kawai KG-1 grand piano. Both are regularly maintained and tuned to concert pitch (A = 440). Another piano, a Rönisch upright grand, is located in the rehearsal/warmup room. Enquiries to .
Preview: see an Australian Boys Choir Concert in just 2 minutes.